
, this is Girish Rawate from India. My nick name is bunty. I have done graduation in Science and Education and now I am working in Bank of Baroda. I've married with one intelligent girl and living a happy life with her and our son Arjun :)

Friday, January 21, 2022

fourth mother

Fourth mother:- The journey starts in the month of December 1945. It was a British rule in India and the village was Ladsa where I born. Innocent boy with strict father and soft mother. The village was very backward, there was no good school, no hospital, no bus route and no connectivity. Our world was between the two mothers, mother Bagh River and mother farm. We had to work very hard to earn our livelihood. My mother is very soft nature and caring, the values that I have was been blessed by her. My father is very short tempered, I don’t know why. Either it may be hereditary or there might be more responsibility he had. My mates also afraid of him therefore sometimes they hesitate to play with me. The fourth mother I had is Mother Education, we call it Vidya. Since childhood I was fond of to read and to understand. When I went to school for my primary education. As the financial condition of my family was not so good that’s why it was already planned that I had to take the primary education only. My teacher noticed that I was showing too much interest in reading and understanding. They advised my father to allow me to get further studies. My father got easily convinced and I have been sent me to nearby city called Gondia. Gondia was the new place for me to perform, I had a responsibility to prove myself before my guardian. Gondia was a familiar place to us. We had many relatives how were already living in the city. I chose the nearby school J.M. High School Gondia to study. I grown up and I don’t know when Gondia became my city. I got the job of Teacher after graduation in P. P. College Gondia. Although my dream came true but still I was unaware of my dream girl. Surprisingly I was already married. But never believed in this marriage, since actually it was not a marriage but a ritual. This tradition is called as Balvivah, now a days it is banned. I was in search of a girl who should be beautiful and clever girl, who could stand behind and live city life comfortably. One who should understand me, my background and join me with my life-style. Fortunately I came across that girl “Kaushal” and wanted to marry, but there was one big problem. As I had not taken divorce with that ex girl, this wedding was supposed to be illegal. My father as well as Indian law was not allowing me to do so. But I knew that my intention were pure. The time was demanding me to be rebel, and I did so. We went to Ramtek Temple and got married. Although the step was very risky but I never got into the trouble. My married life started and within a year I blessed with baby boy. … be cont.

Sunday, June 21, 2020


भगवान क्या है? यह प्रश्न कोई भी आपसे पूछे तो आप शायद उसका जवाब ना दे पाए। इस पोस्ट में इसी का जवाब लेकर आया हूं। भगवान क्या है यह मानव मस्तिष्क या मानव बुद्धि कभी नहीं समझ सकती। लेकिन हर मानव भक्ति करता है, कर्म  करता है योग करता है, किसके लिए? इन सभी का जवाब  मैं यहां दे रहा हूं। इसे समझने के लिए दो चीजें समझना होगा एक इष्ट देव और दूसरा स्वरूप। जैसा कि मैंने कहा भगवान को हम नहीं समझ सकते इस वजह से हम सभी, अपने-अपने मन में एक इष्ट देव को भगवान स्वरूप में स्थापित कर लेते हैं। यह इष्टदेव कोई भी हो सकता है। यह निर्भर करता है कि आप किस संप्रदाय से हैं, आपको क्या पसंद है, आपकी भावनाएं क्या हैं, जीवन के प्रति आपका दृष्टिकोण आदि। इष्ट देव को समझाने की आवश्यकता शायद नहीं है। वह सभी के मन में निहित है। दूसरी चीज है स्वरूप। क्या आपको पता है शिव और शंकर में क्या अंतर है। शिव एक स्वरूप है और शंकर लोगो के इष्ट देव, शिव इष्ट देव नहीं हो सकते। स्वरूप 3 तरह के होते हैं। शिव शक्ति और धर्म। आप जो भी इष्टदेव में श्रद्धा रखते हैं , फिर वह कोई पेड़ हो,साईं बाबा हो, कोई पत्थर हो, या शंकर भगवान हो या दुर्गा मां हो या अल्लाह हो। सभी को आप 3 स्वरूपों में  ही देखते हैं। पहला है शिव, दूसरा है शक्ति, और तीसरा है धर्म। जब आप पूजा करते हैं तो वह शक्ति स्वरूप की पूजा होती है। जब ध्यान करते हैं यह शिव स्वरूप का ध्यान होता है। जब कर्म होता है, कोई काम करते हैं तो धर्म का काम होता है। जैसा शेर शिकार करता है यह कर्म है और कर्म करना कि धर्म है। 
आपका  इष्ट देवता चाहे जो भी हो आपको उनकी उपासना इन 3 स्वरूप  में ही करनी पड़ती है। इसीलिए शिव को यदि आप भगवान समझते हैं क्योंकि शिव तो एक स्वरूप है इसीलिए यदि आप शिव की पूजा करते हैं तो यह शंकर हो जाता है। यदि धर्म की पूजा करते हैं तो वह विष्णु हो जाता है। आपको अपने इष्ट देव की पूजा आराधना तीनों स्वरूप में करनी होती है। इनमें से यदि एक ही स्वरूप की उपासना करेंगे तो वह आपको बड़ी हानि की ओर ले जाता है। जिस तरह राजा दक्ष विष्णु के उपासक थे, वास्तव में यह धर्म स्वरूप की उपासना थी उन्होंने कभी योग(ध्यान एवं योग) नहीं किया जो कि शिव स्वरूप की उपासना है। 
महाशिवरात्रि में यदि आप पूजा कर रहे हैं तो यह सर्वदा अनुचित है। क्योंकि शिव की पूजा वास्तव में शंकर की पूजा हो जाती है अर्थात शक्ति स्वरूप। इसका अर्थ यह है कि आप शिवरात्रि के दिन शक्ति उपासना कर रहे हैं यदि आपको शिव उपासना करना है तो आपको ध्यान(ध्यान एवं योग) ही करना होगा। 
हम जीवन में सुबह से लेकर शाम तक, बचपन से लेकर बुढ़ापे तक, जन्म से लेकर मृत्यु तक इन तीनों में ही व्यस्त होते हैं क्योंकि इसके अलावा और कुछ कर पाना संभव ही नहीं है। हम काम करते हैं, नौकरी करते हैं, लोग कहते हैं वर्क इस गॉड या ऐसा भी कहते हैं कर्म ही पूजा है वास्तव में कर्म धर्म से संबंधित है और यह धर्म स्वरूप में आप अपने इष्ट देव की ही उपासना कर रहे हैं।
ऐसी स्थिति में भगवान आपकी रक्षा नहीं करते बल्कि स्वयं धर्म आपकी रक्षा करता है। मंदिर जाइए या कहीं और आप सभी जगह शक्ति स्वरूप की ही पूजा करते हैं फिर चाहे वहां कुछ भी हो। और ध्यान, ध्यान करते समय आप कुछ भी नहीं करते मतलब शून्यता और वही शिव की उपासना है।

 सारांश यह है कि भगवान को हम नहीं जानते लेकिन भगवान जो भी हो, हम उसे अपने इष्ट देव के तौर पर मान लेते हैं। इसके तीन स्वरूप है- पहला स्वरूप है शक्ति इसकी हम पूजा करते हैं, दूसरा स्वरूप है शिव जिसका हम ध्यान करते हैं और तीसरा स्वरूप है धर्म जिसके लिए हम लोग कर्म या कार्य करते हैं।
यदि आपका कोई इष्ट देव नहीं है तो इसका अर्थ यह है कि आप साफ तौर पर शिव शक्ति और धर्म को अपना भगवान मानते हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में आप पूजा करते हैं, ध्यान करते हैं और कर्म करते हैं।
वास्तव में भगवान क्या है यह जान पाना किसी भी मनुष्य के लिए मुश्किल ही नहीं बल्कि असंभव है। भगवान को नहीं जानते हुए भी हम उनके 3 स्वरूपों को जानते हैं। और हमें अपने जीवन में इन तीनों स्वरूपों का सम्मान करना होता है। शक्ति का अर्थ है - सब कुछ, शिव का अर्थ है - कुछ भी नहीं और धर्म का अर्थ हम द्रव्यों के गुण धर्मों से भी समझ सकते हैं या जैसे नदी का धर्म है बहना लोगों को तृप्त करना। धन्यवाद।

Monday, May 25, 2020


I was just planning to write this blog for very long but I wasn't got the appropriate time. Anyways let's start the post. The name of the post is "unplanned", so the first question arises that what is "unplanned", why I have given this name?

When I was young I used to think so much. My family has my father, my mother, my two elder brothers and one elder sister the age difference between my siblings is 1 year and 2 year maximum. But in my case the difference of my age with my elder brother is 5 years. Actually a small boy like me can never be thinking like this, but there was a reason to think like this. There was a picture which was hanged in my room which was a bedroom of my father and mother. It has all the family members except me. So I used to ask my mother that where I am? She said that I wasn't born at that time it was very much surprising for me because that was a family picture and I was not present in that special image. It was really really embracing for me and I never liked that image and my aim was to have a pic in my home which should have all the family members means involving me also. I asked my mother to have a new pic with full family she said that there will be a photograph shooting in my coming birthday party. And I got the image with all my family members and I said thanks to God and my mom.

It was a huge struggle done by me 😃 
I was a kid, also I never understand the meaning of "unplanned" and after then I grew up and realised that there are so many things which are unplanned like our Earth, the moon, our universe all has been made or maybe unplanned or are formed automatically, it was the beginning of my philosophy. 
We see the change in our world, there is a change in everything. People are growing up, the maps are getting changed, the roads are getting rebuild.  Everything is getting changed the climate atmosphere the forest everything. The world seems to be dynamic. I heard a sentence in Geeta "कोई वस्तु जो किसी और का था वह तुम्हारा है और कल किसी और का हो जाएगा" means the people will also be replaced after sometime. As I am the follower of Krishna this sentence was making me very uncomfortable. I started thinking that is there anything in the universe which will not changed.
I just stopped thinking and went back to my life.
In my view the Trinity is Shakti, Vishnu(Krishna), Mahesh. First- "Krishna" which means "Dharma" (or the operator), Second "Shakti"- means "Everything" (World & Society) and Third "Shiva" which means "Nothing".
I always thinking about Shiva that why we do worship of nothing. Are people mad or they afraid of death. 
One day I got the answer! Surprisingly that day  I wasn't thinking about Shiva or any philosophical things. I was sitting in cash counter. One customer came to me and after taking cash he asked me a question that "do you know, what is permanent in this universe? I said "no", he said "nothing". It was very shocking and surprising. I understood that, Shiv is the only thing which is permanent and that is why we do worship of him, via ध्यान साधना.
इसी से निम्नलिखित सूत्र का पता चला:-

शिव का ध्यान 
शक्ति की पूजा
धर्म ही कर्म

वैसे तो भगवान को समझ पाना मनुष्य की क्षमता से परे है। लेकिन जिन देवी  देवताओं की मनुष्य पूजा करता है वह इन्हीं तीन अवस्था में होते हैं। वास्तव में हम शिव, शक्ति, और धर्म की ही पूजा कर सकते हैं।

पूजा का संबंध शक्ति से है
ध्यान का संबंध शिव से है
और कर्म का संबंध धर्म से है

If you are still thinking that Shiva means nothing and that is why it is not important then you are in dark. You will realise that Shiva is very very important. I started this post with the title unplanned. Just to explain you that unplanned is very very essential in our life. You came in the world was unplanned and when you will go is also unplanned. Whatever you have planned is not important, many of the thing is planned by nothing and that is i call "unplanned"!
I am Unplanned!

Thanks for reading

Saturday, August 11, 2018

why Arjun

Many people ask me one question that why I chose the name ARJUN as the name of my son. This post is answering the very question. Answer: After getting good news from his wife every husband starts thinking of his coming child. He thinks almost everything including the Good Names. I was also in the search of a modern name or a top rated name. So I had visited many websites for this and trust me Arjun was one of the best top rated names over the websites. As I was a web researcher in my last job I had a list of many parenting websites for this database. They told me some other name as well but finally this name got selected. But the actual reason behind this is the idea of this name! At a very same day I and my better half Amita Rawate got the idea of this name. I remember that day, I was walking to my office and I was just thinking about my study table having the photo-frame having the pic of Arjun Ratha with lord Krishna & hanuman flag. That picture was very energetic and inspiring to me. That Ratha was a Ratha of a winner or can be called as Vijay Ratha. Means if someone goes to the right direction, he will be the winner. The Correct Direction is more important than hard work. For me the Krishna is not a God but the Direction giver. I believe that Vaishnav tell us about Dharma and Shaiv tell us about GOD or Creator. I believe on both the isms, the Vaishnav and the Shaiv just like any other Hindu. As my name Girish belongs to the Shaiv therefore I was searching the name belonging to Vaishnav. And of course my mind was focusing to the Name of Arjuna. I was thinking of this in the morning and when I came back to the home, my soul mate asks one question "Arjun Naam Kaisa hai?" I got surprised after listening this and thereafter I told my wife about my morning thoughts. I also told her that the name of my grandfather's father was Arjun. No doubt it was our honour to use the same name for our Son Thanks for reading

Boys after marriage

Why boys get changed after marriage? Many People say that there son has changed after his marriage. He is not that caring now. He is ignoring his parents. And if we compare boy with a girl, the girl child seems to be more promising after her marriage to perform his duties in relationship with her mother and father. Have you ever think about it? Why this happens?? There are several reasons behind this. 1. The partiality between Bride and Groom: Many people do not understand the meaning of marriage and they treat with the Bride (Dulhan) and Groom (Dulha) differently. Most commonly the mother in law of any bride behaves not nicely. After the marriage the Bride and Groom become soul-mate and we should consider them as a single entity. 2. Second most important reason is the right thing should always be appreciated and wrong thing should be criticised. If this is not done there will be a trouble in the future. 3. Third reason is Laziness. People should love to do work :) If the people will understand these wrong traditions, then only the life of Boys will be stressfree after there marriage!


Dharma We are spending our life in our family, how much should we aware of Dharma. What does the God/Nature say? Many people think that a God is our Friend. Why the Religion/Dharma is so important in our life? How to be happy in our life by applying the Dharma in our day to day life? I am not answering these questions but discussing it to share it with others to rectify my own thoughts. To answer this question we have to go much deeper in thoughts. As I believe in the concept of Shiva Shakti. Whatever I am answering is the part of my belief. In Hinduism there is a concept of Shiv Shakti. And you have to understand it first. Let’s start exploring! Shakti means outside and Shiv means inside. Shakti means body and Shiv means soul. Shakti means Panchatatva and Shiv means Parmatma. Shakti means energy and Shiv means consciousness. Shakti means formed and Shiv means formless. Shakti means change and Shiv means changelessness. Shakti means Complex and Shiv means Simple. Shakti means Science and Shiv means Philosophy. Shakti means 1 and Shiv means 0. Shakti means Hardware and Shiv means Software. I think it is enough to understand! One of the greatest philosophers Plato told about the two worlds. In India we say it “dono jahan war du… tere ishq mein” ☺. The first world is the real world and second world is the world of thoughts. In India we say it Sansarik and Adhyatmik respectively. Shakti means Sansarik and Shiv means Adhyatmik. These together are called as Dwait. And if you consider these two as a single entity than it is called as Adwait. The Adwait means the journey to Moksha. If you earn money than it belongs to Sansarik but when you give money to someone to help then it belongs to Adhyatmik. Ego is good to be successful in Sansarik but ego is bad in Adhyatmik. Earning more money is good in Sansarik but love becomes important in Adhyatmik. The Siddhanta works in Science (non-living) but no Siddhanta works in Adhyatm. Doing Comparison is possible in Sansarik but it is impossible in Adhyatmik. Anyways, before understand the Dharma you must understand the meaning of Sansarik and Adhyatmik. Because the Dharma is a narrow path between Sansarik-Adhyatmit and its symbol is Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu tells us about Dharma. In short Sansarik Means Shakti, Adhyatmik Means Shiv and Dharma Means Vishnu. This makes one triangle in Hinduism, and all the three are important. Everything is derived from these three. In Islam this triangle is considered as one entity and is called Allah. There are some stages in Dharma. Stage 1. Understanding, learning, following Sansarik (e.g. we go to school) Stage 2. Understanding, learning, following Adhyatmik (e.g. going to temple) Stage 3. Understanding the Differentiation and Correlation of Sansarik and Adhyatmik. Stage 4. Following Dharma If you are following Dharma, you don't even need to go to the temple; instead the God comes to you. Just like Krishna approaches Arjuna in Mahabharata. Temples and Rituals are just like the walker used by the kid to learn walking, once he learns walking he do not need walker anymore. Temples and Rituals are the way to Adhyatma. Adhyatm and Sansarik are together creates path toward Dharma. Now let us know more properties of Dharma – 1. Dharma cannot be written. 2. Dharma is different for different person. 3. Dharma is not only related to Adhyatm but Sansar. 4. Dharma depends on conditions and situations. 5. Dharma comes from the deep depth of our pure heart. 6. Dharma is the path of truth. 7. Dharma is one step ahead of Sansarik & Adhyatmik. 8. When you follow Dharma: You feel the Lord Vishnu in your running life in many states/stages. You also feel the extra power or Heroic energy inside you. 9. Dharma means the right direction for all Karma. What we think is the God is our taking care person but the truth is the God take care of the whole world but not for the individual. Therefore there are several rules made by God. What are they? When we are in family we have several responsibilities it is important to identify them! There after only you will be able to do the right things in your life. Basically the Dharma came from the deep depth of pure heart. So instead of reading books or blogs let us start asking our heart. Dharma is all about the responsibilities and duties. Next time you pray to the God please ask him the duties assigned to you instead of treating him as a servant. You are already blessed! Let’s start exploring our responsibilities and doing it!

Entry in Mumbai

The story begins with the dream of being a software engineer. I had just passed my Graduation B.Sc. and wanted to do MCA with a best college in Maharashtra. At that time Sanjay Janerkar was doing MCA in Nagpur. I asked him the prospectus booklet for Maharashtra region. I observed that the best college is The Jija Mata College here in Mumbai. I just started reading of entrance exam with my friend Mohammad Hussain and scored very good. Unfortunately my name was enrolled as Open/General category. And I got my second option Karad (near Kolhapur). It was a government college with nominal fee. When the result came I afraid to go so far. My dad said that I am not so brave, moreover I am not able to go to the college for single day at least to see the college location. It was not only insulting but encouraging to me. I went to Karad with my elder brother. I visited the college and decided to do the MCA in distance learning instead of doing regular. I wanted to do the job in the side of learning. Anyways it was the first knock of Mumbai.
Just after the entrance exam my confidence was at the top. I took my first entrance exam for SBI bank branches in Mumbai for clerical post (approx end of year 2004). There were many people taking the exam. Most of them were very serious. And I was enjoying the crowd. Suddenly I asked one person about the room of my roll no.. He told me the exam is already started! The run and reach to the room 15 min late. Really I was not so serious about that exam. I had solved complete question paper. After the examination  I never thought of being pass or fail. After a couple of months I got the call letter for interview. It was  surprising and unexpected! Again I asked to my father. He told me not to go to Mumbai for such a less salary job and the life will not be secured over there. So I happily avoid the invitation. Definitely it was the second knock knock :)
Father told me to do the graduation in Education as my family was a teacher family. So I studied B.Ed.. It was a great experience to do B.Ed.. It helped me to improve my personality. After doing B.Ed. I was eligible of being a high school teacher. Due to high rate of corruption and less marks I didn't get the entry in that profession. Most of my colleagues in B.Ed. were settled in Mumbai without any donation. There was a three year probation period of salary 3.5k rupees. The school were so far from their residence flats. This scenario was discouraging me. And again I refused to come in Mumbai :|
Sorry forget to write ... It was the third knock knock knock.
I did many jobs but not for long time. All the jobs were contract basis or temporary. I was seeking for a safe job or can be said a government job. Without giving the donation and without showing the old results only the bank could give me the chance. Again I started taking the entrance exam. I was turned 27 and the age limit for being a clerk was 28. I understood that it is the final chance to take the opportunity. I studied for the IBPS exam. It was the first exam held by IBPS. I scored good. I had started my calculation of the probabilities. I understood that I will be surly getting the chance. And it is possible that I'll be getting the branch in Mumbai. After the interview held in Dena Bank in Heritage hotel in Nagpur. My analysis told me that the possibility of being hired is more than 80 percent. After knowing this I started thinking of Mumbai :p I came to Mumbai on October 2012 to see the conditions in Mumbai. I told others that I'm going to take interview in Syndicate bank but the actual purpose was only known by me. I had a friend of mine in Mumbai, working in BMC school. He was one of my B.Ed. classmates living in MUMBAI. His name is Rameshwar Bopche, this man played a crucial role to set me in Mumbai at a very beginning time. As I predicted Dena Bank called me to do the job. And finally I entered in this Job on 26/11 2012 !!!